What’s In My Writing Bag?


The things that are in a writing bag tell a lot about the person and the writer. My writing bag is finally complete as of yesterday so I wanted to show you all what was in it.



1. IPad

I do a lot with my iPad that involves writing. I outline my books using the Index Card app and I do all of my blogging from the Blogsy app. I also read all of my e books via iBooks or the Kindle app. The iPad is also great for watching TV shows.



2. Planner, Notebooks, and Pens

My planner holds a lot of my information such as my writing schedule and my daily life. I prefer the old fashioned way of using a paper planner for most things versus using my iPad calendar.

I have two notebooks which are each for different purposes. My pink notebook hold all of my self publishing and book sources. Each time I find something new I add it to the list. My grey folder holds all of my blog ideas.

I love using gel pens and sharpies to color coordinate my book notes and point out areas that need to be revised.



3. Book Outline

I always carry my book outline with me to refer to it while I am writing. I can also look at it and see where I need to add more details in certain chapters. This is the roadmap to me finishing my book along with organization.



4. MacBook Air

My MacBook Air is what makes my writing bag complete. I just got it yesterday so there is a lot to learn, but already I see how it will make my writing life a lot easier. I love how light that it is and the portability of it. It also syncs with some applications on my iPhone. I am looking for a good word processing app. In the meantime I am using Pages.



What's in your writing bag?



Happy Reading and Writing,


2 thoughts on “What’s In My Writing Bag?

  1. Being a man I don’t have a bag, of course. But, I am in total agreement about story outlines. I do those on my computer, which I run on extended screen so I can see it and my work concurrently.

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